LGBTQ+ Resources
(updated September 2023)
PFLAG is a national organization that is currently organized in over 400 communities across the U.S. We are built on a foundation of loving families united with LGBTQ people and allies who support one another, to educate ourselves and our communities, and to speak up as advocates until all hearts and minds respect, value, and affirm LGBTQ people. PFLAG National link PFLAG |
PFLAG Bucks County is a Chapter of PFLAG National. We are here to be a support group, to share our experiences, and try to answer any questions. We hope to provide a space where we can have an open conversation. PFLAG Bucks County meets once a month virtually and once a month in Doylestown, email us for more information at buckscountypflag@gmail.com.
PFLAG cannot and does not recommend a certain facility or doctor, however, we can let people know of the options that are out there. These sites GLMA - GLMA Home Page and https://wpath.org list medical facilities and doctors that support the LGBTQ+ community and provide other useful information.
Resource List compiled by PFLAG Bucks County:
Addiction: How Addiction Affects The Transgender Community: A guide that speaks on those unique challenges and some of the topics covered are: Risk Factors For Addiction Among Transgender People, Barriers To Transgender Substance Abuse Treatment, Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Offered In Addiction Treatment, Resources For Transgender People In Need Of Addiction Treatment. Guide: How Addiction Affects The Transgender Community
- For resources on getting help and counseling: AddictionResource.net
Asylum Pride House: Asylum Pride House’s mission is to provide housing and necessary initial resources to LGBTQ+ asylum seekers. Asylum Pride House is based in Philadelphia. All LGBTQ+ asylum seekers are welcomed, supported, and affirmed as their most authentic selves by every community encountered. Website: https://www.asylumpridehouse.org/
Advocates For Inclusive Education: Community group that works to protect Bucks County community schools and the freedom of thought, expression and learning for every child. Goals of the group are: protect and improve our community schools, keep school free from extremism and political manipulation, foster and express acceptance and respect for each and every child, affirm teachers’ professionalism and expertise and offer opportunities for continuing education, create truthful, inclusive curricula that reflects the heritage of all Americans. Website: https://advocatesforinclusiveeducation.org/
Ambler Counseling Center: Offer a wide range of therapy counseling services and specialize in LGBTQ. Locations are in Ambler, Wayne, and Doylestown. Phone: 267-664-0734. Email: info@amblercounseling.com. Website: www.amblercounseling.com
Arrive Therapy: Creating a safe space for trans, non-binary, gender questioning individuals, as well as parents, partners and family members. They are a place to find the help you are looking for and to experience real life changes. Phone: 484-615-3155. Email: info@arrivetherapy.com; Website: arrivetherapy.com
Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center:
The Center creates a community for the LGBTQ+ community in the Lehigh Valley/Allentown area and offers LGBTQ+ arts and culture programs, health programs and support services. Allentown, PA, phone: 610-347-9988; Website: bradburysullivancenter.org
- Need insurance coverage? Check out PENNIE Program: https://www.bradburysullivancenter.org/pennie. Approved applicants can get medical, dental and/or vision at significantly discounted rates. Open enrollment began on November 1st and will end on January 15, 2023.
Brian Burman, LLC: Licensed clinical social worker in Philadelphia, PA that serves the LGBTQ community and provides relational, person-centered, and rights-based psychotherapy. Will provide a one-time assessment and write a letter for folks to receive gender affirming surgery or a gender marker change. Phone: 267-641-8460; Website: https://brian-burman.clientsecure.me/
bucksEmbrace: Community group (organized on Facebook)committed to raising the awareness of Bucks County residents and the next generation of decision makers regarding culture, common diversity, and inclusion issues. Bucks Embrace provides a safe space to amplify, embolden, and learn from the voices of students and marginalized persons, with focus on people of color. Bucks Embrace doesnt have any religious or political affiliations. Anyone who embraces, respects and appreciates diversity is welcomed. Website: www.bucksembrace.com
BUCKS ESC (Eating Support Collaborative): Eating Disorder Services for All Genders & Ages. Newtown, PA 215-630-7154; Website: bucksesc.com
BUCKS LGBTQ CENTER: They offer services for the LGBTQ+ community struggling with an array of difficulties, as well as those seeking connection to others within the LGBTQ+ community. They offer professional support and also have youth and young adult support group, parent and family support group, and many other support groups dealing with a lot of issues facing families today. They are located in Newtown PA. 267-753-3030, email: coordinator@buckslgbtq.com (buckslgbtq.com)
BUCKS RECOVERY CENTER: The Center offers an array of services by trained clinicians to assist in recovery for substance abuse and abuse, and other addictive behaviors. Newtown, PA; phone: 215-260-7570; Website: bucksrecoverycenter.com
CDC LGBT Youth Resources: Positive environments are important to help all youth thrive. However, the health needs of LGBT Youth can differ from their heterosexual peers. On this page, find resources from the CDC, other government agencies, and community organizations for LGBT Youth, their friends, educators, parents, and family members to support positive environments. Website: https://www.cdc.gov/lgbthealth/youth-resources.htm#family
CHOP Gender and Sexuality Clinic: The clinic offers psychosocial and medical support for gender variant, gender expansive, and transgender children and youth up to age 21. Phone: 267-426-5980; Address: 3401 Civic Center Blvd., Phila., PA 19104; Website: https:/www.chop.edu/centers-programs/gender-and-sexuality-development-program)
College Students - LGBTQ+ Community Resources:
- Visit LGBTQ+ Community Resources for College Students. This site for information for college students who want to find a college environment that prioritizes your safety and makes you feel welcome. About 17% of all college-bound students identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community, and many of them have often encountered bullying and discrimination during their middle and high school years. All college students thrive in a community that meets their needs and provides opportunities for social and academic growth, and for LGBTQ+ students, this is even more important. Website on Stevens Institute of Technology: https://online.stevens.edu/info/lgbtq-community-resources-for-college-students/
- Check-out: Intelligent - LGBTQ College Student Guide. This guide provides prospective students and their families with tools to identify the right schools, an overview of common challenges, tips for applying, and details on the federal laws that protect LGBTQ students. https://www.intelligent.com/lgbtq-online-college-student-guide/
- LGBTQ College Student Resource Guide by College Educated offers information on National Organizations, campus safety, online safety, mental health, advocacy and more.
The Christian Closet-The Christian Closet is an online therapeutic resource for people who are trying to work out what it means to have a LGBTQI sexual identity, or gender identity within a Christian context. Email: info@thechristiancloset.org; Phone: (206) 999-8439; Website: https://www.thechristiancloset.com
Dragon Dads: This is a Facebook group of Dads only who have LGBTQ+ children. They are a support group and offer insight into how they have handled their kids coming out and, in some cases, transitioning. Best thing is knowing you’re not alone and if you want to connect and share with other dads. This is a private group, and you will need to answer some questions in order to join this group. Website: https:/www.facebook.com/DragonDads/
Eastern PA Trans Equity Project: They provide direct services to transgender and gender-diverse Pennsylvanians in Southeastern PA, including legal name change, access to gender affirming garments, support groups, financial assistance, education & outreach, or general information. Phone: 484-602-5918; Website: http://www.patransequity.org
Free to Be Me: LGBTQ+ kids and allies in Kindergarten through Grade 5 are invited to join us for our monthly Free to Be Zoom meeting hosted by William Jeanes Memorial Library in Lafayette Hill, PA. Kids can meet new friends, discover LGBTQ+ books, enjoy activities and special guests, and discuss gender and identity issues in a safe space. Reach out to: Rachel Fecho, rfecho@mclinc.org, 610-828-0441 ext.104, from William Jeanes Memorial Library for more information. Website: https://jeaneslibrary.org/calendar-of-events/children-events/
Gay Yellow Pages: The information resource for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and transgender community since 1973. Click The USA Book 25 MB to see the PDF guide: http://gayellowpages.com/online.htm
Gender Spectrum: They offer programs for kids and their parents. They have a wealth of information including topics of parenting and youth resources, medical, mental health, faith and gender, legal & policy, camps, and sports. The website allows you to identify your connection to the community and what you are interested in learning then provides links and resources. Website: www.genderspectrum.org
Growing With Grace: Teletherapist located in Philadelphia that specializes in working with teens and families around gender and sexuality, depression and suicidal ideation, anxiety, neurodiversity, and trauma. Website: www.growgracetherapy.com/
LGBTQ+ Elder Health Guide: Growing older presents challenges for millions of Americans, but members of the LGBTQ+ community are particularly hard-hit. According to the UCLA Williams Institute, LGBTQ+ older adults face many additional barriers to receiving health care. We created this guide to connect the elders of the LGBTQ+ community to the resources and information necessary to help them find the care that they need. Website: https://www.retireguide.com/guides/lgbtq-elder-health-care/
Mama Bears: Supporting, educating and empowering families with LGBTQ members and the LGBTQ community. Provide private online communities for families with LGBTQ members to connect, ask questions and find resources. Provide opportunities for our members to advocate for the LGBTQ community. Website: https://www.realmamabears.org
MAZZONI CENTER in Philadelphia: They provide quality comprehensive health and wellness services in an LGBTQ focused environment. Pediatric and adolescent comprehensive transgender services, health care, testing & prevention, and supportive services (including behavioral health, recovery counseling, legal, housing, case management, support groups, food banks). Main: 215-563-0652; Health Center: 215-563-0658; Legal: 215-563-0657; Website: www.mazzonicenter.org
NAMI Bucks County: NAMI is National Alliance on Mental illness, offering help and support to families and individuals, including the LGBTQ+ community and their families. They offer a local LGBTQ peer support group in Warminster for mental health. Website: namibuckspa.org. For support group info go to: www.namikeystonepa.org; Warrington Phone #: 215-343-3055.
Network of Victim Assistance: An advocate for victims and victim’s rights. 24 Hour Victim Support Hotline. NOVA’s hotline staff can provide immediate assistance if you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, child sexual abuse, or other crimes. Help by phone 1-800-675-6900, to get help by text 267-323-4545. Website: novabucks.org
OkaySo: Free app on your phone where you can ask anonymous questions about life, identity, sex, health, relationships and more and get support in answering these questions from a community of trained experts. Website: https://okayso.org/
Papillon Center: Gender Wellness Center offers transgender care. Offer affordable and comprehensive care including trans gender surgery, electrolysis, mental health, cosmetic surgery, and hormone therapy. Website: https://www.drchristinemcginn.com/Phone: 215-693-1199. Email: papilloncenter@gmail.com
PENNIE Program: Grant funded program that assists any uninsured queer member of the community . Approved applicants can get medical, dental and/or vision at significantly discounted rates. Open enrollment began on November 1st and will end on January 15, 2023. Contact Chrystina@BradburySullivanCenter.org or (610) 347-9988 ext 113 for assitance.
PFLAG National: is the first and largest organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people, their parents and families, and allies. With over 400 chapters and nearly 250,000 members and supporters crossing multiple generations of families in major urban centers, small cities, and rural areas across America, PFLAG is committed to creating a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed. To learn more, visit pflag.org, like us on Facebook (/pflag), watch us on YouTube (/pflag), or follow us on Twitter (@pflag) or Instagram (@pflag).
- Additional Resources:
- Our Trans Loved Ones: Questions and Answers for Parents, Families, and Friends of People Who Are Transgender and Gender Expansive
- Guide to Being a Straight Ally
- Additional learning and publications can be purchased at the: PFLAG Bookstore
- Our Trans Loved Ones: Questions and Answers for Parents, Families, and Friends of People Who Are Transgender and Gender Expansive
Philadelphia Family Pride: A non-profit membership organization for LGBTQ+ led families in the greater Philadelphia region. Philadelphia Family Pride’s mission is to build community for LGBTQ+ parents, prospective parents, grandparents and our kids of all ages – including adults, youth, kids, toddlers and infants. We support our families in the greater Philadelphia region through advocacy, education and family-centered events. Website: Philadelphia Family Pride Website: https://www.philadelphiafamilypride.org
QChat: A community for LGBTQ+ Teens. Find and give support, have fun, connect around shared interests and get good information. Chat with like minded peers in live chats designed for you & by you facilitated by folks who care.(www.qchatspace.org)
Rainbow Connections: Meet virtually over zoom new friends and talk about LGBTQ+ themed books and topics in a safe space. Offered by Abington Public Library in Abington PA for grades 3-5. Email: abingtonlibrary@mclinc.org for more information and get on the mailing list for dates
Rainbow Room: LGBTQ+ youth program providing a supportive and empowering environment for youth ages 14-21. Weekly meetings held Wednesdays 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm; 4th Wednesday of month welcomes children ages 12-21, Salem UCC, Doylestown, PA, 267-282-4117, email: rainbowroom@ppkeystone.org, Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pprainbowroom
Raising Rainbows inclusive playgroup- Monthly playgroup + kids’ hangout for Transgender and Gender Expansive Kiddos ages 3-13 forming in Doylestown. This is a public page and to join in the private family group you will have to answer some questions. Raising Rainbows (https:/www.salemstrong.org/raising-rainbows) Facebook page: https://m.facebook.com/TransPlaygroup
Renaissance LV: Lehigh Valley Transgender Renaissance, A Program of the Eastern PA Trans Equity Project that serves the Lehigh valley and surrounding counties. They offer a Transgender Lehigh Valley Support Group. This site lists doctors and therapists that are friendly to LGBTQ+ patients, they provide a list of resources for legal services, financial assistance, food assistance, educational scholarships, hair and garmet tailoring/alterations, voice therapy, along with other information that you may find helpful. Website: www.renaissanceLV.org
Roy G. Biv: Doylestown Rainbow room junior for LGBTQ+ Youth and Allies, ages 10-14. A safe space to learn, grow, and support each other while exploring identities. Roy G. Biv covers an array of topics from sex ed, body image & recreational activities like crafts & board game nights. The group meets Thursday, 6:00-7:30pm. RSVP is required-contact Rae at rdavis@ppkeystone.org and website: Roy G. Biv | Planned Parenthood Keystone
SAGA Community Center: An interfaith and no-faith affirming place for all sexualities, genders and sexes in Montgomery and Bucks Counties. They offer meetings, hangouts, Queer library, clothing swaps, hotline and many other programs of interest to the LGBTQ+ community. Phone: 215-675-8808, (www.sagahatboro.com)
- Youth Programs Available: https://www.sagahatboro.com/youth
- Affordable Mental Health: https://welcomeprojectpa.org/therapy
SAGE LGBT Elder Hotline-A place for the LGBT elderly to call when you need to talk. Ages 50 and above Peer-to-peer hotline, Mon-Fri, 4pm to Midnight ET, Sat Noon to 5pm ET. 1-888-234-sage (1-888-234-7243); email: help@lgbthotline.org, (glbthotline.org)
Sam & Devorah Foundation for Trans Youth-a national e-mentoring program. mission is to provide trans and nonbinary teens with supportive, identity-affirming mentors who will empower them to meet their personal goals and thrive. The program pairs transgender and nonbinary (TGNB) youth, ages 13-17, with TGNB mentors for one-to-one video meetups that take place on a secure, monitored online platform. (http://www.samdevorah.org/)
Serendipitydodah: Home of the Mama Bears: This is a Facebook group of Moms only who have LGBTQ+ children. The mama bears in a network of groups, websites, special projects, and resources dedicated to supporting educating and empowering moms of LGBTQ kids and the LGBTQ community. This is a private group and you will need to answer some questions in order to join this group. Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/serendipitydodah/
Senior Housing for LGBTQIA Community- Seniors in the United States who identify as LGBTQIA+ that are looking for a supportive senior housing community can be especially challenging. This guide to help you find these LGBTQ+-friendly communities. For each community, you’ll find a short description of the services and amenities available to help you determine which options will likely meet your needs. The guide also includes helpful resources for LGBTQIA+ seniors and a list of questions to ask when you call or visit one of these communities. Website: (https://www.caring.com/resources/lgbtqia-senior-housing-options/)
The Women's Center of Montgomery County: A non-profit domestic violence agency that assists and supports victims and survivors. The Center welcomes everyone regardless of age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. Contact: 24/7 Hotline 1-800-773-2424, Website: http://wcmontco.org
Trevor Project: A hot line staffed with trained volunteers to offer support to young LGBTQ people in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a safe and judgment free place to talk. 1-866-488-7386. The Trevor Project also has a chat, text and other support and resources that can be offered to the LGBTQ community. Website: https://www.thetrevorproject.org
Ultimate Guide to Resources for LGBTQ+ Students: Online resources and articles for LGBTQ+ students in college. For many young queer people, college is where things finally begin to change. To make college a little easier, we’ve created this ultimate guide of resources for LGBTQ+ students in higher education, including scholarships, resources, clubs, anti-bullying hotlines and more. Website: https://couponfollow.com/research/resources-guide-for-lgbtq-students
Valley Youth House - Valley Youth House in Allentown is the catalyst for youth to achieve their desired future through genuine relationships that support families, ensure safe places, and build community connections. They offer many services including housing education, case management, rental assistance, support for homelessness (a host home for 1-6 months), drop in program that offers free health services, active recreation, peer supports, and discussions on tops, to all kids including the LGBTQ+ community (610) 820-0166; Website: www.valleyyouthhouse.org
William Way LGBT Community Center: The center encourages, supports and advocates for the well-being and acceptance of sexual and gender miorities in the Greater Philly region through service, recreational, educational and cultural programming. Contact: 215-732-2220, info@waygay.org, Website: www.waygay.org